Do you or your kids love juice, but you now know that it's actually not that healthy due to the processing it goes through; aka pasteurization, removing almost all nutrients and rendering it a simple syrup at best? Can we say sugar HIGH?! Are you frustrated with the expensive, and limited healthy alternatives available? I've got an economical, delicious solution for you!

Introducing, blender- made juice! You're going to buy your favorite fruits in the freezer section of the grocery store. Yes, I said freezer section. That's because organic frozen fruit is available at a fraction of the price that it is fresh, and in- season, and it is just as nutritious as fresh fruit since freezing preserves a majority of the nutrients. Another great option would be to buy your favorite fresh, in- season fruit in bulk and freeze a bunch of it for later blending. When fruit is in- season, and local it's not only better for you, but cheaper. But you knew that already, my well- read readers
;-). Now, onto the recipe!

*DO use frozen fruit in this recipe because it is actually easier to blend, and it prevents the juice from becoming warm or hot from blending (what you want to avoid).
**You'll need a blender or nutri-bullet. I used a Vitamix which is a great high- speed blender, but I also love my nutri- bullet for smaller work. Optional: mesh strainer to strain out any pulp. I personally like a little pulp, and so does my little one ;-)
This recipe can be used as a blueprint for other flavors, so get creative!
2 handfuls Frozen Strawberries
Juice of 1 Lemon
1/2- 1 full packet of Stevia powder, depending on desired sweetness
2 Cups of Water, filtered or Spring water
Combine all ingredients in your blender and blend for a few seconds until completely juiced. Voilá- juice! I hope you enjoy this and try it out with other flavors! Please share and let me know what you think of this recipe. Would you like to see more like this?